Our children are our future and they are the ones who can help their environment.There are many projects in the UK ,US and around the world that encourage our children to think about how they can improve the environment.Firstly there are Eco-Schools where a school can have its own eco code.This could be a charter that the children ,teachers and parents can follow.It could be reducing water usage,recycling,turning lights off and saving energy.This can be done throughout the school and in turn the school will receive rewards such as bronze,silver and eventually a green flag.
There is also an idea that schools can be built from scratch and thus be green.In the new build plans there can be bigger windows for more natural light.There can be water saving devices ,solar panels and wind turbines.
It is so important to get the children involved in environmental issues from an early age .They can take this knowledge with them and use it for the rest of their lives .
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